
And again I say, Rejoice

I had a revelation today. It came while I was cleaning my kitchen and listening to Damien Rice - preparing for tonight's festivities. It comes from a scene in the movie "Office Space" where Peter Gibbons reveals that every day is the worst day of his life. It goes something like this:
Peter: So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.

Dr. S: What about today? Is today the worst day of your life?
Peter: Yeah.
Dr. S: Wow, that's messed up.

I don't have a clue why this scene played back in my head. One of those random things - maybe Damien's lyrics cued it. Many of my friends are living this way - somehow they've allowed situations to convince them into believing that today is bad - that tomorrow has potential, but more than likely it will be worse than today.

Sometimes I get trapped here, but not often. My revelation is that for those who attempt to follow Jesus - for those of us that are honestly trying - today is potentially ... no, today is definitely the best day of our lives. And tomororw will only be better. At a minimum, each day brings us one step closer to death - a temporary passing that brings a holy encounter with our Maker who loves us so much. Eternity in paradise is one step closer, today.

Sure, sometimes I forget. Last night I was thrown a curveball that hit me in the gut ... I wasn't prepared to bat. I hit an emotional low. My friend Brandon quickly grounded me with an all-curable remedy (launching 2 liters of BigK hundreds of feet in the air to watch them explode in the street - followed by an original song written in high school). Try it sometime. Thanks, Brandon.

So I'll take my base. Indeed, joy transcends all. And welcome to the best day of my life. Yes, even as I clean the kitchen.

Welcome to 2006. It's bound to be the best year of my life. Psalm 118:24 guarantees it. Look it up.


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks...that word encouraged me to keep at it.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing Office Space someday - finally. Is it possible that another reason for general pessism in us, is that we've had it pretty easy?

As I watch and listen to people who have survived war or poverty or major illness or dreadful work environments; I think I see a perspective develop that makes today's situation tolerable. Or even better than tolerable,"today" is something to be thankful for.

A guy named Paul wrote "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me"

"him" is Jesus.

Dan L

Right now