
Monthly(?) Voicemail Awards

I have a personal policy not to answer the phone if I'm having a conversation with someone face-to-face. This will change when I get a wife & kids, but for now I try to stick to this idea ...

I've noticed that some of the voicemail messages that come in are downright hilarious, so I've decided to start a new series on here called the "Voicemail Awards". Hopefully you'll see one posted about once a month.

For March ...
The first award goes to a dear friend of mine. He moved out-of-state not too long ago, and called to give me his new number. A free lunch to the first person who can correctly identify the voice.

LISTEN NOW (2MB wav file)


Jason Wood said...

so are you saying if you're talking face to face with your wife or kids you will answer the phone?? :-p

p.s. i have no idea who that is.

Jake Bland said...

wood u crack me up ... I'm saying that I'll answer the phone if my wife or kids call, especially if I'm talking to you face-to-face ;-)

take care bro.

Anonymous said...

:) haha...oh my too funny!
& that has to be the one and only bryan caudle-most definitely...

actually im so much sure i'm right that if i'm wrong you get a free lunch-but then again if i'm right then i get the free lunch & your new wheels (which are very sweet by the way)naw ok i'll stick with my camaro- & the free lunch :)

peace out brother

Anonymous said...

Oh man... I got so excited when i heard the voice of Mr. Caudle... and not because of the hope of a free lunch... just because.. it was his voice.

But Bexster got the free lunch. She's too quick.

I'll do you one better. I miss you all so much that I'll take you, Bexster, and Bryan all out for a free lunch. I miss you.

meredith said...

um im gonna have to go with bryan caudle...

and im the first one to guess...just void bexster and ryan...they've got nothin on me ;)

Right now