
Pirates Review

Daniel and I went to go see "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" on Sunday after church. Hanging out with him was great (I haven't seen him for most of the summer), but the movie itself was disappointing ... I thought.

I was going to write a review up here, but after Marla sent me this Ninja video I realized that I can't say it any better than this. Enjoy...

Some of my Bradley friends started a sidewalk campaign at the end of the school year. They wrote "Pirates or Ninjas?" all over the sidewalks on campus. The age old question was "Who would win in a fight: Pirates or Ninjas?" Does anyone want to take a stab at how they answered that question?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Who the rock is Marla?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no kidding. Who the hayfield ISSS Marla???

Kim said...
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Kim said...

Ninjas would throw down pirates. They are far more stealthy, crafty, and sneaky and whole lot less dirty. Yah, ninjas would rock pirates like a hurricane.

Marla Witzig by chance?

Anonymous said...

Awesome video. Ask a Ninja is one of my old faves. When I saw the trailers for the movie, I had a sort of feeling that Pirates was going to be not-worth-seeing (the first one was just barely good). I went to see Superman instead on Sunday afternoon. Not great, but I'm betting better than Pirates.

JGanschow said...

I defer to the ninja for everything. He pretty much sums up everything anyone would ever need to know in life, especially about dance dance revolution.
"4 pads on one surface? how is that going to prepare you for the dance floor of life?"

Anonymous said...

does anyone else think that ninja sounds like ben stiller?

David Duer said...

Ok, perhaps I am the lone man here who thought PoC2 was a pretty good movie. Was it as great as the last one, no, but I knew going in that it was a 2-parter, that 2 and 3 were going to link together much like Lord of the Rings did. So I went in with the attitude that there was going to be a lot of plot lines exposed with little resolution.

That being said...You could tell it was rushed. Evidently they did not have it "in the can" till around a month before release. Also...I found the ninja clip very accurate.
In answer to you question...ninja would have the advantage in every situation except water. I think the pirate would have better sea fighting legs than a ninja would.

Jason Wood said...

went to see the movie. if you ask me, the jury is still out on it til next may when the story actually resolves itself in the third movie. anyways. people should man up and actually put their names on posts. whimps. pirates wouldn't do that. they'd be all, arr...i be (fill in pirate name here), and i'm leaving you a comment. arr...well, that's my little rant.

Jake Bland said...

I agree, Wood. Pirates would not hide their names ... but ninjas might, right?

John Bussone said...

jake if you get this email me at jlbuss1 and let me know

tonymyles said...

I love this video... got it on my site, too.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Pirates. It wasn't as good as the first one, but I didn't expect it to be. It was definitely entertaining, though, and I'd probably even see it again.

Right now